Second Request for the New Government

Kosova ka mungesë të ofrimit të shërbimeve të qeverisjes elektronike si për qytetarët ashtu edhe për vetë administratën publike.

Një ndër kërkesat tona ndaj Qeverisë së re është miratimi i një politike ku do të adaptohet Softueri i Lirë dhe me Kod Burimor të Hapur (FLOSS).

Çfarë na sjell FLOSS? Kjo politikë do të çojë në procedura më konkurruese të prokurimit dhe do të zvogëlojë kostot pasi projektet e softuerit do të miratohen dhe do të ndërtohen nga kodi ekzistues me burim të hapur.

Kërkesat e plota ndaj qeverisë mund t’i gjeni në

Kosovo is lacking in the delivery of e-government services both to the citizens and to the public administration itself.

One of our requests for the Government is the procurement of Free/Libre and Open Source Software.

What are FLOSS’s benefits? This policy will lead to more competitive procurement procedures and will reduce costs as software projects will be adopted and be built on from existing open source code.

You can find the full document with requests on

First Request for the Government

Një nga kërkesat e FLOSSK për Qeverinë e re është krijimi i një politike që përcakton dhe zgjeron materialin publik të krijuar nga institucionet nën domenin publik.

Kjo kërkesë ka të bëjë me përcaktimin e një politike që vë shumicën e veprave të administratës publike nën domenin publik. Përmes kësaj politike, më shumë material kreativ i krijuar nga administrata publike do të jetë në dispozicion të publikut të gjerë dhe kjo mes tjerash do të nxisë aktivitetin ekonomik.

Kërkesat e plota për Qeverisë mund t’i gjeni këtu.

One of FLOSSK’s requests for the new Government is to establish a policy that defines and expands the public material created by institutions under the public domain.

Through this policy, more creative material created by the government will be available to the general public and this will spur economic activity, among other things.

You can find the full list of requests here.

FLOSSK Rebranding!

Jemi të lumtur të ju prezantojmë me pamjen e re të FLOSSK. 🎉🎉

Duke ruajtur traditën 12 vjeçare të organizatës, sorra mbetet simbol i vlerave tona të shkëmbimit të njohurive dhe promovimit të një kulture dhe shoqërie të hapur.

Falenderojmë Trembelat për kreativitetin dhe punën e palodhshme!🤗

We are happy to present to you the new look of FLOSSK.🎉🎉

By following the 12-year tradition of the organization, the crow continues to be the symbol of our values of exchanging knowledge and promotion of open culture and society.

We thank Trembelat for their creativity and great work!🤗


Propozimet e FLOSSK për Qeverinë në lidhje me politikat Open Source!

FLOSSK ka propozuar politika Open Source për Qeverinë e re

Propozimet përfshijnë zgjerimin e materialit në domenin publik, përdorimin e softuerit të lirë dhe me kod burimor të hapur në institucione, publikimin më ambicioz të të dhënave të hapura, ndërtimin e resurseve të hapura arsimore, krijimin e një sistemi operativ të lirë për shkolla dhe krijimin e një zyreje për promovimin e open source.

Dokumentin e plotë e gjeni më poshtë!

FLOSSK Propozimi për Qeverinë – SHQ

FLOSSK has proposed Open Source policies for the new Government

Proposals include expanding the material placed into the public domain, using free and open source software in institutions, more ambitious publishing of open data, building open educational resources, creation of a free operating system for schools, and establishment of an open source promotion office.

You can find the English version below!

FLOSSK Proposal for GOV – EN

Support Us

🤗 It is now easier to support us!

👥 On our website you can find information on becoming a member of FLOSSK and/or Prishtina Hackerspace, presenting a topic or workshop as well as contributing books, equipment, and financially.

➡️ For more details visit or contact us at [email protected]

Shtimi i një pike me interes (POI) në OpenStreetMap (OSM)

📍Një udhëzim si ta shtoni lokacionin e biznesit tuaj apo ndonjë pike tjetër me interes në hartën e lirë OpenStreetMap.
🗺️ OSM përdoret nga Snapchat, Facebook, Apple Maps etj.
👥 Bashkëngjitiuni komunitetit për hartografim në OSM në Telegram
📍Instructions on how to add your business’s location or any other important location on the OpenStreetMap free map.
🗺️ OSM is used on Snapchat, Facebook, Apple Maps, etc.
👥 Join the OSM mapping community on Telegram

Konferenca FOSDEM po vjen këtë vikend online! 👐🏼

👨🏼‍💻️ Me mijëra programerë dhe entuziastë të teknologjisë për dy ditë bëhen bashkë në Universitetin e Brukselit dhe zhvillojnë takime, prezantime dhe punëtori në dhjetra dhoma në të njejtën kohë, me tema nga më të ndryshmet: Containers; Cloud computing; Big data and Data science; Embedded, Mobile and Automative; Graph systems and algorithms; Programming languages; Software composition; Web performance, etj.

Edicioni i sivjetëm parasheh 659 folës dhe 717 sesione. 📅 Orarin e gjeni këtu:

FLOSSK çdo vit merr pjesë në FOSDEM dhe këtë fundjavë e ndjekim 🍻 bashkë në live stream


EqualiTECH Report

EqualiTECH was held this weekend on 11-13 December with five teams and five mentors. The teams consisted of three to four people. EqualiTECH began at 17:45 on Friday with Philip Merrell from CRD and Arianit Dobroshi from FLOSSK opening the event.

A keynote was held by Marcin de Kaminski, Director Human Rights Defenders at the Risk Department. The event continued from 9:30 on Saturday when teams had around seven hours during the day to work with each other to develop their ideas. EqualiTECH mentors were also available to answer the teams’ questions. The participants were free to work in their virtual rooms for as long as they wanted. On Sunday, EqualiTECH began at 9:30 with teams getting ready for their first presentations. After they were advised by the staff and mentors, they continued to prepare for their final presentations which would happen at 17:00.

Overall, there were 16 people aged 18-40 who participated in the hackathon. Three other people confirmed their participation but showed up only on the first day. There were eight tech people and eight activists participating in the hackathon who were from Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The teams were: ATA Group, Space SyntaKS, id3, InterTeam, and Northerners.
ATA Group’s idea ( is to create an informative platform that will help immigrants navigate themselves to find shelter, food, etc. while they transit in different places.
Space SyntaKS wants to create a tool (safometer) where people can evaluate how safe a certain place is. Their target group is women but this tool can be used by anyone who doesn’t feel safe.
id3 group thought of creating a platform (beproud) that will close the gap between the LGBTQI community and psychologists. In this platform, the community can find the closest psychologists and get the proper care.

InterTeam wanted to create an AI assistant (Ruby) that will show human rights organizations’ information in the Western Balkans.
Northerners’ aim is to create an online website that will serve as a communication tool to connect communities without prejudice and discrimination. This platform will focus on young people with different identities.

The winning teams were ATA Group and Space SyntaKS. They will be awarded with 2,500Eur and 1,500EUR to help them finalize their solutions within six weeks.

EqualiTECH Mentors

Let’s meet EqualiTECH mentors that will be with us for all three days of the event 👇:

⚫ Yll Rugova is an information designer, typographer and everythinologist. An expert on information architecture and design of materials with larger quantities of content.

⚫ Rina Fetahaj is a sustainability manager at Sustainability Leadership Kosova. Rina is passionate about everything Sustainability related, focusing on increasing awareness about the Circular Economy, Climate Action and a just society!

⚫ Douglas Arellanes is a member of the board of the Prague Civil Society Centre, an NGO that supports the development of civil society in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. He advises on tech issues for the Centre.

⚫ Besfort Guri is a FLOSS activist and Member of the Executive Board at NGO FLOSSK. He runs a company (OPS – In), focused in Geographical Information Network and Web Development.

⚫ Ivan Duric works on the development of activist network, Human Rights Program and Regional Exchange Program at YIHR Serbia.

Apply until Sunday to win the chance to be mentored by our amazing guests! 🎊


Building the Sensor Stations

Javën e kaluar së bashku me shkollat partnere ndërtuam stacionet e cilësisë së ajrit dhe motit në gjashtë 🏘 shkolla të mesme në Kosovë!

📡 Stacionet u ndërtuan në Prishtinë, Vushtrri, Lipjan, Prizren, Suharekë dhe Rahovec. Gjithashtu, gjatë javëve në vijim do të mbahen punëtori ku do të demonstrohet pjesa harduerike në ndërtimin e stacioneve, komunikimi me firmuer dhe softuer, si dhe vizualizimi i të dhënave që merren nga senzorët.
Këto stacione po ndërtohen në shkolla të mesme që nxënësit të mësohen t’i ndërtojnë ato, të krijojnë dhe analizojnë të dhëna për mjedisin, si dhe të ngritet vetëdijësimi i përgjithshëm për cilësinë e ajrit dhe ndryshimet klimatike.

Projekti “Sensor Stations” financohet nga BE-ja, menaxhohet nga European Union Kosovo dhe zbatohet nga Balkan Green Foundation dhe Institute for Development Policy (INDEP).
Në kuadër të zgjerimit të bashkëpunimit me KEC, FLOSSK do të vazhdojë ndërtimin e stacioneve edhe në tre shkolla të tjera të mesme në Kosovë. Këto stacione po ndërtohen në partneritet me programin “Përkrahje adoleshentëve pas mësimit të rregullt” – ASSET që financohet nga USAID Kosovo dhe zbatohet nga Kosova Education Center – KEC, në partneritet me FHI360 dhe Crimson Capital Corp.



Trainings on Wikimedia

📢 Trainings for the projects of Wikimedia (Wikipedia, Wikidata, and Commons) are ongoing!
📍 So far, four sessions have been held with high school students in Kosovo, where students have learned the principles and rules of writing encyclopedic articles.

📝 During this time there will be 8 more sessions after which the new Wikipedians will be ready to contribute to the Albanian Wikipedia by creating new articles or improving existing ones.

These trainings are being held in cooperation with Wikimedians of Albanian Language User Group within the ASSET project by Kosova Education Center – KEC.


Memorandum of Cooperation with the LUMBARDHI Foundation

🤝On October 23, FLOSSK signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the LUMBARDHI Foundation for the donation of a scanner for the digitization of publications and archives held by this cultural institution in Prizren. FLOSSK has worked on the construction of book scanners in order to make this material available to the public and for further processing of this material by the public.

💡This cooperation will serve for the exchange of knowledge, capacities, and resources for digitalization as well as the provision of materials and publications for free use by the public. FLOSSK and Lumbardhi will cooperate in the digitization of Zëri Newspaper, TAN newspaper, completion of the digital archive of Rilindja Newspaper as well as Jeta e Re, Përparimi and Çevren magazines, which will also be public with free access.

📚We would also like to inform you that the digitized book platform has been enriched with a total of 50 books from the publishing houses of the time, which are considered orphan works. Other books scanned and edited by volunteers will be constantly added to this platform.

This project was made possible by the Culture for Change program. The project is funded by the European Union, managed by the European Union Kosovo, and implemented by Qendra Multimedia and Goethe-Institut.

Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK) is a non-governmental organization based in Prishtina established in 2009 in order to support, promote and develop free and open source software, open and participatory knowledge, education in information technologies through open courseware, and open standards, culture and open society using free communication.

Mailing form

    Our Contacts

    Ganimete Tërbeshi St. No 61, Aktash neighborhood, Prishtina 10000, Kosovo.

    [email protected]
