The adoption and implementation of FLOSS policies by the Government

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Adoptimi dhe zbatimi i politikave FLOSS në qeveri çon në parandalimin e investimeve të dyfishta në shumë fusha.

Për të ndodhur kjo, Qeveria duhet të sigurojë burimet e nevojshme njerëzore, trajnuese dhe monetare përmes një Zyreje për Programin Open Source, me qëllim të progresit të vazhdueshëm dhe promovimit të FLOSS.

FLOSSK do të vazhdojë të angazhohet që politikat FLOSS të përfshihen në qeverisje

The adoption and implementation of FLOSS policies by the Government will lead to the prevention of double investment in many fields.

For this to happen, the Government has to provide the necessary human, training, and monetary resources through an Open Source Office, with the aim of continuous progress and promotion of FLOSS.

FLOSSK will continue to engage in incorporating FLOSS policies into governance

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Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK) is a non-governmental organization based in Prishtina established in 2009 in order to support, promote and develop free and open source software, open and participatory knowledge, education in information technologies through open courseware, and open standards, culture and open society using free communication.

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