OpenStreetMap Editing Mapathon


  • Start : 2023/10/28 14:00
  • End : 2023/10/28 18:00

🗺️ Join us for an OpenStreetMap Editing Mapathon!

14:00, 28th October
@Prishtina Hackerspace

Calling all mappers and geospatial enthusiasts in Kosovo to come together this Saturday from 14:00 – 18:00 at Prishtina Hackerspace. Let’s map, collaborate, and enjoy some food and drinks while discussing open source geospatial and its impact.

See you there! 📍

Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK) is a non-governmental organization based in Prishtina established in 2009 in order to support, promote and develop free and open source software, open and participatory knowledge, education in information technologies through open courseware, and open standards, culture and open society using free communication.

Mailing form

    Our Contacts

    Ganimete Tërbeshi St. No 61, Aktash neighborhood, Prishtina 10000, Kosovo.

    [email protected]
