OpenSpatial Kosova Celebrates OSM Geography Awareness Week 2023


  • Start : 2023/11/13
  • End : 2023/11/17

OpenSpatial Kosova Celebrates OSM Geography Awareness Week 2023
Academic Cartography: Using [Open]Maps in Education

Educators, students, community organizations, and passionate map enthusiasts from across the globe unite in a collective celebration of geography and come together to create maps using OpenStreetMap, the open and freely editable global map.

With education in this year’s focus, join us for an exciting OSM GeoWeek, where maps and community converge with the theme Academic Cartography: Using [Open]Maps in Education!
Discover the world of OpenStreetMap (OSM) and how you can contribute to the mapping revolution. Meet the local mappers who are shaping our community, share insights, and network with fellow enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned mapper or just curious about maps, there’s something for everyone. Let’s put our city on the map together!

🗓️ Date: 13-17 November 2023
📍 Location: Prishtina HackerSpace/University of Prishtina/ UBT/ Online

🌐 Learn, map, and connect!

#OpenSpatialKosova #OSMGeoWeek #MappingTogether #LocalMappers


Academic GeoMapping: Open mapping communities
Open lecture for university students
16:30 @University of Prishtina- Architecture

Academic GeoMapping: Open mapping communities
Open lecture for university students
@University of Prishtina- Geodesy

GIS for the spatial decision making in Kosova
Panel appearance at UBT GIS day 2023
10:30 @UBT

Academic GeoMapping: Open mapping communities
Open lecture for university students
12:45 @UBT

Academic Cartography: Using [Open]Maps in Education
OpenSpatial Kosova Panel discussion
17:30 @Prishina HackerSpace

Community Cartographers: Mapping ITP
Mapathon and Meeting Over Drinks
10:00 @ITP Prizren

Community Cartographers: Meet your local mapper
Mapathon and Meeting Over Drinks
14:00 @Prishina HackerSpace & Online

Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK) is a non-governmental organization based in Prishtina established in 2009 in order to support, promote and develop free and open source software, open and participatory knowledge, education in information technologies through open courseware, and open standards, culture and open society using free communication.

Mailing form

    Our Contacts

    Ganimete Tërbeshi St. No 61, Aktash neighborhood, Prishtina 10000, Kosovo.

    [email protected]
