InfoSec Meetup “Let’s secure our winter”


, Prishtina Hackerspace

  • Start : 2022/01/05 18:00
  • End : 2022/01/05 20:00

InfoSec Meetup “Let’s secure our winter” starting at 18:00, 5 January @Prishtina Hackerspace


(ENG below)

Pas një pauze me Prishtina Infosec Meetup, kemi nderin që t’ju ftojmë në meetupin e rradhës, meetupi do të mbahet të mërkurën me 5 janar 2022, duke filluar nga ora 18.00, në Prishtina Hackerspace.

Ky meetup organizohet mes FLOSSK dhe dashamirëve të sigurisë kibernetike. Më poshtë i gjeni prezantimet e meetupit të rradhës:

– How I made a keyboard keylogger – Kastriot Fetahaj
Gjatë këtij prezantimi, Kastrioti do të na tregoj se si e ka ndërtuar një tastierë “keylogger”, që regjistron gjithçka që shtypet, si funksionon dhe se si një tastierë e tillë mund të (keq)përdoret për sulme kibernetike.

– OWASP Mobile Top 10 Risks Using Corellium – Meridian Miftari
Gjatë këtij prezantimi, Meridiani do të na tregoj se si testohen aplikacionet mobile Android duke e ndjekur metodologjinë e OWASP si dhe duke e përdorur Corellium, që është një platformë për virtualizim të sistemeve operative dhe pajisjeve mobile.

– Red Teaming Methodology and a quick demonstration of Sliver – Dardan Prebreza
Gjatë këtij prezantimi, Dardani do të na tregoj për metodologjinë e red teaming që e përdor, dallimet mes red teaming dhe penetration testing, dhe më pas do ta bëj një prezantim praktik të Sliver, një open-source C2 framework.

Pas meetupit do të vazhdojmë në Pub të Prishtina Hackerspace, ku do të mund të shoqërohemi e të vazhdojmë diskutimet.

After a (long) pause, we are resuming with the Prishtina Infosec Meetup, we have the pleasure to invite you to our next meetup, which will take place on Wednesday, January 7th, starting at 18.00, at Prishtina Hackerspace.

This meetup is organized by FLOSSK and the community of cyber enthusiasts. Below you can find the different presentations of the next meetup:

– How I made a keyboard keylogger – Kastriot Fetahaj
He will show us how he has built a keyboard keylogger, which records everything that is typed in, how it works and how such a keylogger can be (miss)used during cyber attacks.

– OWASP Mobile Top 10 Risks Using Corellium – Meridian Miftari
Meridian will show us how Android mobile application penetration testing is done, following the OWASP methodology and using Corellium, which is a virtualization platform for mobile operating systems and devices.

– Red Teaming Methodology and a quick demonstration of Sliver – Dardan Prebreza
During this presentation, Dardan will show us the methodology he uses for red teaming, the differences between red teaming and penetration testing, and then he will demonstrate how Sliver works, which is an open-source cross-platform C2 framework.

After the meetup, we will continue our networking and socialization at the Prishtina Hackerspace PUB, where we can continue our discussions and chat around cyber and not only.

Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK) is a non-governmental organization based in Prishtina established in 2009 in order to support, promote and develop free and open source software, open and participatory knowledge, education in information technologies through open courseware, and open standards, culture and open society using free communication.

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    Our Contacts

    Ganimete Tërbeshi St. No 61, Aktash neighborhood, Prishtina 10000, Kosovo.

    [email protected]
